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  • 营业时间:08:00-24:00
  • 地址:海阳路336号中山大厦12层上元教育
  • 联系人:刘老师
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外贸英语培训通常涵盖以下内容: **一、外贸基础英语知识** 1. **词汇积累** - **贸易术语相关词汇**:重点学习如FOB(离岸价)、CIF(到岸价)、EXW(工厂交货价)等贸易术语的英文全称、含义及用法。例如,“FOB (Free on Board) means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel nominated by the buyer at the specified port of shipment.”,学员需要理解在FOB条款下,卖方的责任是在指定装运港将货物交到买方指定的船上。 - **商品相关词汇**:包括各种商品类别(如textiles - 纺织品、electronics - 电子产品、machinery - 机械),商品属性(如quality - 质量、quantity - 数量、specification - 规格)等词汇。了解不同产品的专业词汇,比如在纺织品行业,要知道“fabric - 织物”“yarn - 纱线”“dyeing - 染色”等词汇。 - **单据相关词汇**:学习发票(invoice)、提单(bill of lading)、装箱单(packing list)等外贸单据的英文名称和具体内容。例如,发票包括卖方信息、买方信息、商品描述、价格、付款方式等内容。 2. **语法和句型结构** - **商务书信语法**:掌握商务书信中常用的语法结构,如在表达请求时用“Could you please...”“We would appreciate it if...”等句型。在描述产品优势时,会用到比较级和最高级,如“Our product is of higher quality compared to others.”。 - **合同条款句型**:学习用于起草合同的典型句型,如“Party A shall...”“The liability of the Seller shall be limited to...”等。这些句型结构严谨,用于明确买卖双方的权利和义务。 **二、外贸英语口语** 1. **日常交流口语** - **接待客户**:包括机场接机时的问候语(“Welcome to our city. How was your flight?”),介绍公司和城市(“Let me introduce our company to you. Our city is famous for...”)等内容。 - **商务会议交流**:学会在会议开场时的表达(“Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Let's begin the meeting.”),提出观点(“I'd like to point out that...”),讨论问题(“What's your opinion on this issue?”)以及会议总结(“To sum up, we have reached the following agreements...”)等口语表达。 2. **贸易谈判口语** - **价格谈判**:熟练掌握关于价格询问(“What's your best price for this product?”)、价格调整(“We might consider a price reduction if you increase the order quantity.”)、价格比较(“Your price is much higher than that of your competitors.”)等相关口语。 - **条款谈判**:能够用英语讨论交货期(“When can you ensure the delivery?”)、付款方式(“What payment terms do you prefer?”)、包装要求(“We require the goods to be packed in wooden cases.”)等贸易条款。 **三、外贸英语书面表达** 1. **商务信函写作** - **询盘与回盘**:学习写询盘信,包括询问产品信息(“We are interested in your product and would like to know more about its specifications and prices.”)和回盘信,提供详细的产品信息和报价(“Thank you for your inquiry. Here is our detailed product information and quotation.”)。 - **订单处理信函**:掌握订单确认(“We are pleased to confirm your order No.xxx.”)、订单变更(“We regret to inform you that there is a change in your order due to...”)和订单跟踪(“We are writing to follow up the progress of your order.”)等相关信件的写作。 2. **合同与协议写作** - **合同条款起草**:了解如何用英语起草合同条款,如商品描述条款(“The Seller shall supply the Buyer with the goods as described in Appendix A.”)、价格条款(“The unit price of the goods is xxx, and the total contract value is xxx.”)、争议解决条款(“Any disputes arising from this contract shall be settled through arbitration.”)等。 - **协议撰写规范**:学习国际商务协议的格式和规范,包括协议的开头(“This Agreement is made and entered into by and between...”)、主体内容(详细的双方权利和义务)和结尾(签字盖章部分)的写作要求。 **四、外贸文化与礼仪** 1. **不同国家商务文化** - **文化差异知识**:了解主要贸易国家(如美国、英国、日本德国等)的商务文化差异。例如,美国人注重效率,谈判风格直接;而日本商人在商务交往中更注重人际关系和礼仪,决策过程可能相对较长。 - **跨文化沟通技巧**:学会如何在跨文化环境中进行有效沟通,避免因文化误解而产生的冲突。例如,在与中东国家商人沟通时,要尊重他们的宗教信仰和习俗。 2. **外贸礼仪规范** - **着装礼仪**:根据不同的商务场合(如商务会议、商务宴请等),学习合适的着装规范。在欧美国家,正式商务会议一般要求男士着西装、打领带,女士着套装或连衣裙。 - **宴请礼仪**:了解不同国家的商务宴请礼仪,如餐具的使用、座次安排、敬酒礼仪等。在英国,用餐时左手拿叉,右手拿刀;在中国,宴请时通常会有主宾位的安排。
